Friday 12 May 2017

How to prevent sagging skin while losing weight

How to prevent sagging skin while losing weight:

I have noticed that as I loose weight my skin starts to slightly get loose, this happens if I am on a yo-yo diet meaning the diet where I can not sustain it and the calories are very restricted and the deficit is way more than 500 calories. Most of the time in these diets we lose muscles more than fat and the scale go down and we celebrate that we have lost weight, three days after that 1 kilogram is gained back and so follow the other kilograms and more than double what you have lost. That is not a problem in a short term, the problem is after these diets we do not feed our muscles after the diet. The secrete is when you see you are loosing weight very fast, slow down a little bit for example you have cut all the carbohydrates then sneak in just a little bit of good carbs and ensure you add more protein to your diet this secrete works better for the ones who does not really enjoy being in the gym 6 days a week.

Secrete number two is to drink lots of water while on the diet,our bodies are made of more than 60% water so work with your body not against it. Secrete number three take gelatin, bone broth, collagen powder or agar-agar if you are vegetarian to maintain the elasticity of the skin. The skin is the biggest organ that occupies a lot of area in our bodies, I believe is a myth that when you lose weight your sagging skin is the after effects. It is not supposed to be like that, the skin can stretch and still tighten again, ask a woman who has given birth. we just need to educate ourselves on how to lose weight the balanced way and more than anything listen to our bodies.

Image result for agar agar dischemImage result for collagen powder dischem

You can find these at Dis-chem with all the description on how to prepare and take it.

Secrete number four is weight training, the bigger you are the better for your skin not to sag by using weight training and a little bit of cardio. Cardio makes our bodies to lose weight fast but does not increase our muscle mass as much as weight training does. To have toned body without sagging skin, just maintain your caloric deficit at 500, drink lots of water, do more weight training alternating with cardio, take gelatin or agar-agar to maintain the elasticity of your skin. I have just explained in simple terms what tends to be very scientific sometimes before getting straight to the point and here I just got to the point without the scientific jargon.

 It can feel like you are not doing any thing and you do not see any changes on your body, remember we can entirely depend on God, ask Him to help you in this journey and give you wisdom on how to take care of your body as the temple of the Holy Spirit. As humans we function on the spirit, soul and physical and all should be aligned together, we cannot neglect the other and only concentrate on one. The equation should balance.

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